paanee se saaph kiya hua example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण

Given are the examples of hindi word paanee se saaph kiya hua usage in english sentences. The examples of paanee se saaph kiya hua are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., washed, water washed.

For example, sometimes fertilizers get washed away due to excessive irrigation and are not fully absorbed by the plants.

NO2 is oxidised to nitrate ion, 3 NO? which is washed into soil, where it serves as a fertilizer.
The king washed and covered it with his handkerchief, but the blood would not stop flowing.
Their father had washed when he came in and his face and arms were shiny and pink and he smelled of soap.
The topsoil is washed away as the rains fall and the lush forest turns into a barren landscape.
However, all these chemicals dissolve in water and are washed into water bodies from the fields.
Have you seen ponds which look green from a distance because they have a lot of algae growing in them? This is caused by excessive quantities of chemicals which get washed from the fields.
Collect the muddy water that trickles down the holes of both trays in two separate containers and compare how much soil is washed out of each tray.
When you are playing throw ball on the beach and the ball falls into the water, what happens? It is fun to watch how the ball gets washed back to the shore by the waves.
per hour, comparable to speed of commercial aircraft and completely washed away some of the islands in the Indian ocean.
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